Monday, May 30, 2011


An incredible SVG demo :

You could edit SVG slides an reload the animation.

Friday, May 27, 2011

New AR game from Dassault System

Following the last Rio game. Dassault System will release the King Fu Panda 2 game.

Here the preview :

Source 3DVF

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hello Read/Write World!

The Read/Write the world project have innovative ideas :

Quoted from

"Today we’re unveiling a major new project in Bing. Technically it’s an indexing, unification, and connection of the world’s geo-linked media. Informally, it’s the magic of:
  • Seeing your photos automatically connected to others;
  • Being able to simply create immersive experiences from your or your friends photos, videos, and panoramas;
  • “Fixing” the world, when the official imagery of your street is out of date;
  • Visually mapping your business, your favorite park, or your real estate for everyone to see;
  • Understanding the emergent information from the density and tagging of media.
The Read/Write World has 3 pillars: Clear Content Rights; Uniform Access and Open Source Viewers; and Real-Time Geo-Services."
Swimming through the Read/Write World from Read/Write World on Vimeo.

 Another interesting talk :


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

123d A free Nurbs Autodesk 3D modeler

123D is a public beta software from Autodesk that allow you to perform Nurbs based modeling.

TO know more and see video :

I seems have function dedicated for 3D printing :

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sony "smartAR"

New video about "smartAR" the Augmented Reality work in progress of Sony

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

SIGGRAPH 2011 Technical Papers Video Preview

The technical Papers video preview of SIGGRAPH 2011 :

Interesting or fun ->
Microgeometry from an elastomeric sensor
Exploring photobios
Passive Facial capture
Garment modeling

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

From tiny to large Icons

This siggraph 2011 paper "describe a novel algorithm for extracting a resolution-independent vector representation from pixel art images, which enables magnifying the results by an arbitrary amount without image degradation."

To know more : Here

I'm curious to see the result on large images.

One more paper from Johannes Kopf (Microsoft)

Digital Micrography

This siggraph 2011 paper show how digitize a image into a text field:

To know more : Here

Intel OpenCL 1.1 SDK (beta version)


"Intel has published a new version of its OpenCL SDK. This new SDK, targeting Intel CPUs, supports the OpenCL 1.1 specification and brings a preview support for Linux (64-bit only).

Intel OpenCL SDK version 1.1 new features:
SDK is fully conformant with OpenCL 1.1 specification for the CPU
Beta support for Microsoft* Windows* operating systems (32 and 64 bit)
Preview support for Linux* operating systems
OpenCL Installable Client Driver (ICD) Compliant
Unique Implicit CPU Vectorization Module for best utilization of the CPU hardware vector units (SIMD) across work items
Optional OpenCL 1.1 Core Features: Out-of-order execution model, Execution of native kernels, Image support and Optimization options through OpenCL complier flags (cl-fast-relaxed-math)
Double precision floating point extension (cl_khr_fp64)
OpenGL*/OpenCL Sharing (cl_khr_gl_sharing)
Preview: Device Fission Extension Support (cl_ext_device_fission)
Code samples
Debug and Analyze with the Intel OpenCL SDK Tools: Debug kernels using printf (cl_intel_printf), Intel OpenCL SDK Offline Complier and Code
Analyzer, Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers support, OpenCL kernel analyzing using Intel VTune Amplifier XE 2011 Integration

Detailed release notes are available HERE."

Monday, May 9, 2011

Kinect facial capture

Quoted from Youtube
This video shows an example of how 3D facial motion performance can be captured without markers using a Microsoft Kinect camera (data shown in green). The resulting facial animation is shown in purple. The color video is just shown for reference and not used in the process.

This is work by M. Breidt , H. H. Bülthoff and C. Curio at the department for Human Perception, Action and Cognition of the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany

Thanks to Joachim Tesch and Johannes Lächele for their help in recording raw data from the Kinect!"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

41 GigaPixels panorama

Here a panorama of 41 Gigapixel of the french city Saint Raphael.

The making of

PS : It's not perfect (there is some ghost from the blending step):

PS : 111 GigaPixel Sevilla

Monday, May 2, 2011

Panasonic VIERA AR Setup Simulator

Let see what a TV could render in your room.

It's Augmented Reality and they use marker.

Only limited to Iphones....

It's cool that they show the case that do not work. (Pattern is not detected in those condition)